Valerie Moore
Marriage Counseling
Chapters: Will you MARRY me?
M - Make me better
A - Allow me to Grow
R - Respect my being here
R - Respond to my needs
Y - You grow old with me
Are you single, in the courting stage of your relationship, and need to know, are they “the one”?
Do you have hesitation and second thoughts about saying “I do”?
Are you married and something in your relationship is missing “the spark”?
Are you in between stages of Denouncing and Divorcing, your spouse?
Do you need a maintenance booster, to create love once again?
If you asked any of these questions, you need to book Chapters: Will you MARRY me?! Dr. Val, writer, and author of RelationTRIPS, a quick but informative read, discusses the roadblocks of marriage and relationships though various points and experiences and captures the moments to avoid within a relationship. Dr. Val, once married but now divorced, has the nuggets to help guide you through the hurdles and puddles that leave you drained and ready to give up. How, do you ask, when she is a divorcee, what can she tell me? I hear your thoughts. Dr. Val positioned herself to accept the lessons of correction from her pastors, and mentor. Although, the transition from marriage for Dr. Val was a sinless transition, healing and direction was still needed. Therapy was still a prerequisite towards complete healing. Dr. Val humbly and maturely recognized she needed to GROW again. This led her to spiritual and natural therapy provided by her Mentor and Pastors, leaving her postured before the Lord. As the healing process progressed, she poured out, and the Lord poured back in, bringing her back to a healthy state of mind, prospering in every area of her life, and finding out WHO SHE IS! “Sometimes, we forget who we are, and/or we walk into a relationship unaware of who we are, then we present the False representation of ourselves and expect love to be created and fulfilled”. This is a dangerous place to reside in. Thankfully, through therapy, and eventually finding herself, she stands as a testament of the need for therapy and lives by the statement “everything bad isn’t wrong, and everything good isn’t God”. This was a learned experience that she is unapologetic for. Dr. Val’s transparency will help ease your hesitancy and make you more comfortable in getting to the root and depth of your need and provide realistic counseling and intervention. Rest assured, as you pour out during your sessions, she’ll pour back into you.
Will you MARRY me?! Dr. Val, who is finishing her Master’s in psychology and pursuing her PhD. will give you the life lessons and preventive measures to help you reach these goals within the Chapters. This will ignite your desire to love again, see again, hear again, forgive again, give again, etc. Dr. Val will give you biblical and natural answers to help stimulate your relationship with your spouse and GROW you in your position to become one. Love is produced. You can’t give out, what’s not in you. The bible speaks highly of marriage, how God favors marriage and the Do’s and Don’ts of it, to have a successful covenant. There are so many scriptures we can reference concerning relationships and marriage, but Hebrews tells us that “marriage is honorable before the Lord”.
Listen, if we were honest with ourselves, the struggle is REAL and can become a Challenge within the marriage, if you find yourself in one of these categories: aren’t ready, lost the will to fight, don’t have the proper tools, you lack instructions or the blueprint for the relationship you desire to have, and most importantly, the relationship God wants for you.
So, let’s Detour Divorce, Sell Single or Buy into your future Partner!!