Valerie Moore
Mentoring Packages
I want to……MeNtoR – YOU!! Pour MeINtoYou!
Hi, I’m Dr. Val. What an honor it is that you would trust me enough to embed in you the principles of life, hope, and success. As I MeNtoR – YOU, I make a vow of commitment and dedication to see you grow and expand in every area, that YOU allow me access to. Through Life’s Experience and biblical teaching of the word of God, my ability to improve your well-being is greater because of my natural & supernatural encounters, which causes for a miraculous turn-around and impact, that will take you far in this life’s journey. We will develop a life plan for you, that works for you, that we will focus on through-out our sessions.
Your choice of business development, personal and self-growth, mind management, and HOM (Head over meals).
My MeNtoR – YOU package includes but not limited to:
M - Make you dream again
E - Explore the YOU, that once believed
N - Navigate life’s opposition to expose and revamp your steps
T - Teach you principles to help you win
O - Organize a life blueprint together
R - Resolve internal issues to wash your brain for fresh beginnings
Let me, Pour MeINtoYou!