Valerie Moore
Prophetic Release Outpour
Why PRO, with Dr. Valerie Moore
Dr. Valerie Moore, a world renown Prophet and Preacher, has been walking in the Office of the Prophet for 10 plus years. As a young child, Dr. Val experienced her first encounter of the Prophetic. Throughout her childhood to the now present, she has gone through various teachings, trainings, mentorship, and life experiences, that has cultivated and shaped the Prophetic mantle. Dr. Val strongly believes in spiritual covering and submitting yourselves under the leadership of Dedicated Pastors. Dr. Val promotes and stands by the statement “No Accountability is a Liability.” If you’re not accountable to a Spiritual Covering, you are a liability when you operate in the Prophetic Gift. PRO, “Prophetic Release Outpour” will give you what you need to know about how to properly and accurately operate in the Prophetic Flow.
What is PRO “Prophetic Release Outpour” Training?
PRO training is one-on-one session/s with Dr. Val, that was birthed out of her obedience in walking in the Gift of Prophecy, that later shifted into the Office of the Prophet, the Mantle. PRO, is the foundation to launch you to your NEXT level of hearing, discerning, and understanding the importance of operating in one of the 5 fold ministry gifts, the “Prophet.” Your voice is needed. There’s a word in your mouth that must be released, to complete the fulfillment of the Word of God through Prophecy, here on the earth.
Why PRO?
PRO will equip you for the; Where, What, When, How and Why of each Prophetic stage and help you discover which area or level of the Prophetic you operate in. Dr. Val will cover in depth, the stages of ; Dreamer, Seer, Gift of Prophesy and the Office of the Prophet. After determining your Prophetic Area, Dr. Val, will dive deep into the written word, combined with the supernatural experiences, and learned knowledge, to provide insight and the necessary information that will help launch you into the Prophetic Realm.
Develop. Discover. Discern. Dissect.
Delivering the Prophetic Word!